What is the Difference Between a Christian University and a Bible College?

Learn about the differences between Christian universities & Bible colleges, including their content & purpose of courses, degree programs & more.

What is the Difference Between a Christian University and a Bible College?

The content and purpose of courses focusing on the Bible and ministry at both institutions of higher education are often very similar. However, Christian universities offer degrees in arts and sciences in addition to religious studies, and generally require a small core of biblical classes to complete a “secular degree.” Christian universities are usually liberal arts schools and offer degrees in arts and sciences, with the expectation that students will also take religious classes. Bible schools focus more on Christian leadership and generally offer degrees in which education in the Bible is the primary purpose. While biblical universities offer undergraduate education, seminaries focus on graduate education.

To enter a biblical college, high school education is a requirement. Therefore, biblical universities offer degree programs in biblical studies. At a biblical college, the curriculum revolves around the biblical. However, some universities offer programs similar to those in secular schools.

Graduates of biblical universities have adequate knowledge of theology. However, they have the freedom to pursue different careers. Both types of universities are private institutions that incorporate biblical truths into everyday life. Deciding between a biblical college or a Christian liberal arts college depends on the student's personal and professional goals.

While Christian universities generally offer a Christian culture, biblical universities emphasize a biblical foundation in every aspect of students' lives. While both offer valuable education and there's certainly a place for both, choosing between a Bible college and a Christian university depends on your personal goals and preferences.

Garland Pietrzak
Garland Pietrzak

Avid coffee trailblazer. Proud internet practitioner. Avid internet practitioner. Unapologetic food junkie. General pop culture buff. Hipster-friendly food maven.

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