How Successful Are Graduates From a Christian University in Finding Employment After Graduation?

Discover how successful Christian university graduates are in finding employment after graduation. Learn about job placement rates and the advantages of attending a Christian university.

How Successful Are Graduates From a Christian University in Finding Employment After Graduation?

When it comes to finding employment after graduation, universities rely on surveys and interviews with alumni to determine their graduate school and job placement numbers. However, CBS Money Watch recently discovered that less than 50 percent of former students at a typical university are represented in these surveys. This begs the question: are the graduates not represented in the survey employed in their field or are they pursuing graduate studies?A school's job placement rate is an important indicator of how successful its graduates are in finding employment after graduation. A good school will include these numbers and figures on its website or give future students access to them.

Christian universities tend to have a high placement rate due to their network of connections with alumni. Students can meet and greet employers while they are still at school. It's difficult to provide an exact number as each school varies greatly. One campus may have a placement rate higher than 60 percent, while another school has a placement rate lower than 50 percent. According to Professor Scales, some employers respond positively to Christian college graduates because of the ethics and values that they learn in school.

Garland Pietrzak
Garland Pietrzak

Avid coffee trailblazer. Proud internet practitioner. Avid internet practitioner. Unapologetic food junkie. General pop culture buff. Hipster-friendly food maven.

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